Thursday, September 27, 2007

Fall Before the Rise

Last Thursday I had an interview at the New York State Public Library. I was really nervous because I never had a real interview for a job before. I worked at Franciscan as a tutor and at Dad’s office. It’s a really nice library, and it is very close to my apartment, probably a ten-minute walk. This library is on the seventh floor of this building, which also contains a museum. When Claire was visiting me, before she went on her European escapades, we went on a walk and walked through the museum together. It was a fun day and she mentioned that it would be good if I could get a job at the museum because it was so close.
So, lets go back to last Thursday. I had recently cleaned my room, but on the morning of the interview, there were shirts and pants and shoes scattered across the room, with an especially large pile in front of the mirror. I finally managed to find an outfit that didn’t make me nauseous. I was a bit jittery that morning. I gathered the papers that I was going to bring along and a book to read while waiting. My interview began at one o’clock, but I left the apartment to begin the ten-minute walk at 11:45. Although I didn’t get much out of that hour of reading, I was able to look around the library for a bit. It has a great view of the city way up on the seventh floor. It has a huge genealogy section. There were two women that were asking about how it works (not that I was listening) and trying to figure out their family tree. The minutes finally crept to ten to one. I thought to myself, ten minutes early is appropriate. So, I packed away my prop of a book and headed toward the desk. I asked for the reference librarian who would be doing the interview. I followed her to the elevator and went down a floor. I was amazed to find the skeleton of the library. There were many offices and the old card catalogs. It also contained the room where I was going to be interviewed. I walked in and they asked me a few general questions. “So tell me a little bit about your work experience…” I had asked a friend about what to expect from an interview. She said that something that threw her off was that her interviewer asked what her weaknesses were. I had my weakness ready to go… and they didn’t even ask the question. The interview lasted 45 minutes. I walked in surprisingly relaxed and we chatted for a while after the interview was done. They said that they would let me know either Monday or Tuesday.
I was pretty excited and confident once the interview was over, and found myself daydreaming of a job there. I was trying not to get my hopes up too high… but it couldn’t be helped, it was my dream job for college! Come on! Money, Resume, Great View, Nice People… cant ask for more. So Monday is a busy day for me class wise. At around seven at night I roll into the apartment very tired, but there was a spring to my step as I popped open the computer to check my e-mail. Nothing. A little disappointed, but not all hope was squashed. Tuesday, I have a class from 4-7 and I tore up the stairs that night and flipped open the computer… this was it… moment of truth. Nothing. I let disappointment sink in… then I let frustration bear its ugly head… then reality sank in… I have to find another job which would mean another interview… in a place that would be compared to the NYS Library! (I know I know… you’re thinking it… its dorky… but look at my major… I’m entitled to a bit of dork!)
Wednesday I had a test, a test which took three hours (full class time) to finish so I was beat afterwards and I bummed out for most of the afternoon. Then I went into a cleaning rampage. I mean hard-core cleaning! Floors windows, you name it… it shone by seven o’clock. I felt better, perhaps me cleaning got out a bit of frustration that I had kept bottled up about the interview. So I plopped down on my cozy chair (which is another story) and called up the parents. I talked to them both. Dad suggested I call the library, and I was determined not to… I didn’t want to hear a no! Dad said that he strongly disagreed. But I had accepted the fact that I would not be working there. Mom was encouraging which made me feel a bit better after the conversation. After that I made some tea, and relaxed, realizing tomorrow I would be on the job hunt. SO, I soaked in my relaxation. I then decided to check my e-mail and facebook to see how Claire’s Euro life was going. I farted around on the computer and then checked my Albany e-mail address. I saw the reference librarian’s name, and was sure that it was a letter saying they were sorry, but they have someone else for the job, but thanks for showing interest. I opened it up… and they wanted me to work there!! I jumped out of my comfortable chair, jumped up and down and started pacing as a called up mom (who was in bed) and told her my news.

Yes, dear family, phase one of transformation into librarian has begun! I’ve got the glasses, and I’m working on the bun!

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