Monday, June 14, 2010

When words leave off, music begins. Heinrich Heine

Yes, it is June. As any parent can tell you, it is crunch time for parents. The halcyon days when you can sit in a crowded and hot and sweaty auditorium awaiting your child's few minutes of fame. Of course, no school district is different when it comes to inconvenient timing, (not enough time to eat dinner), length, (at least 3 hours), and date, (but John, Paul, Mag and Veronica have something on that date, too.) But then the girls sit down at the bench and all those inconveniences are tossed out the window. Just the girls and the piano keys!!! Enjoy.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Do not handicap your children by making their lives easy. Robert Heinlein

I rather enjoy making my children's lives difficult. However, it does pay off for them.

A little known fact is that some 15 years or so ago, Maureen, too, played the clarinet. She came to hate it.