Monday, August 6, 2007

Fish Anyone???

One highlight for me so far this past summer was when a third of the family got together for a "mini family reunion", as Zito coined it, to cool off on the Delaware River. On our second day paddling with about 11 boats in the foatilla, we stopped off at The Red Barn Rapids. (Perhaps Uncle Phil can add a few of his awesome pictures one day...) Even Ole Aunt Denise shot through the playful rapids.
While paddling, my nephew Paul executed a most stealthy surprise attack of a Boat-By Fishing. You see, a few years back while frolicking on the river, a once non-contact sport/game was born. "Canoe ball" as it is now known, was created. The object of the game is to successfully throw a ball so it lands inside another person's canoe or kayak. Well, this particular day I passed by a freshly deceased Shad fish. I immediately said, "that would be worth ten points if thrown into a boat!" So I asked Zito to intercept the fish and after he handed it to me, I then passed it on to Paul, who seemed anxious to execute the mother-load ten point bundle. After Paul was in possession of the fish, it took about another hour for him to lock-in on his intended target. The victim was none other than the loud shriek-screaming Lauren. As Paul non-suspectingly paddled up to "say hello" to Lauren's boat, she had no idea what was about to be plopped almost on her lap. As soon as Paul flung the fish in between Lauren's legs, the screech that could be heard for miles away, was echoing up and down the river. The many loud laughs at Lauren's expense could equally be heard. The ear-to-ear smile on Paul's face could also be seen for quite a distance and for a long while afterwards. You could just tell it was all worth the patient wait. Most of us that were in on Paul's "little secret", somehow realized that this was to be one of the highlights of the day. And as it turned out, it was... at least for most of us.
I would at this time, also like to award The Most Commited To Participating award to the Nichols family. It is great to hear of your going-ons and what yall are up to! You certainly set a wonderful example for "anyone" in our family to follow, though most still sadly "refuse" to participate. A "family" newspaper, now via Blog, is truly only as good as it's ACTIVE participants.
I hope and trust that all is well with everyone and you continue to have a healthful, happy, and activity-filled summer!!! Rock on, rock out, and rock it!!!! Cheers, Red

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