Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Srawberry-Rhubarb Pie!

I am sorry to say that I have only a few fragmented memories of my great grandparents. The memories that I do have are more reflections of happy emotions rather then specific moments, this maybe because I was so young and lived so far away, so the few memories I have are those that are triggered by certain smells and tastes. One specific memory that I have is of Nana. I had to have been around the age of seven or eight and I remember being upset that I had to go visit the adults and all that I wanted to do was play with my cousins and go fishing down at the Lewiston docks. I remember pulling into the driveway and walking up the stairs on the side of the house to go into the kitchen where Nana was waiting to greet me with a big smile and a warm hug. I was spoiled as kid in the sense that I grew up in a time of gameboy’s, super mario bros. and cable tv so going to Nana’s was not the thing I wanted to do at that age. I remember sitting at the table in the kitchen and starring outside the window in a daze and Nana said “come here and help me.” I was soon put to work cutting up the sour rhubarb to make her famous strawberry-rhubarb pie. While the pie was baking uncle Ivan had given me a magnify glass and sent me on a grand exploration to discover new species of insects in the backyard. At that age the backyard seemed like a huge forest with a field of dandelions and a pristine green garden that nana had in the back. I was in my own world as an explorer discovering new species of beetles and frying the occasional ant on the side walk, but I became interrupted by the sweet and sour smells of the strawberries and rhubarb. I quickly ran in and sat down to a heaping slice of the pie. All the daily distractions of electronics, toys and things I wanted to do were placed a side to enjoy the simple pleasures that life has to offer. Every time I smell or taste strawberry-rhubarb it brings back this memory and the fun I had from such a simple thing and the warmth of a great person that I barely knew.

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