Friday, July 31, 2009

God is the experience of looking at a tree and saying, "Ah!" -- Joseph Campbell

You can hug them, climb them, get shade under them and you can PLAY them.

The musical fun shown below reminded me that all things have what is called a "natural frequency." Tap it, shake it, blow on it or rattle it and you have Music. I found a cool and clearly written lesson on the physics of resonance and standing waves, if you want to know more, (I promise you won't get a headache from reading it). In musicians' terms, the lesson is this: You can't use not having a symphony orchestra in your backyard as an excuse for just listening to cicadas.

Here is Italian-born Burbank, Calif.-based sound designer/composer Diego Stocco's "Music From a Tree":

-- Joe

1 comment:

  1. WOW i can't believe someone had an idea to do it - cuz andi
