A very active and busy past week, to say the least. Bernie and Joan decided to come to Malone to visit. What they did not expect was the unexpected snowstorm that hit New York north of Syracuse throughout Malone IN OCTOBER! That's the earliest storm that I've seen in my 27 years up here. Perhaps after these many years it could have brought some fond memories for Bernie. One of those fond memories is sleeping in a van with Joan in the Walmart parking lot in Watertown, waiting for the storm to blow over. Thankfully, it did, and they arrived in Malone.
The girls and
Bernie decided to put the snow to a much better purpose. Literally for hours upon end, the girls showed Bernie that snow can be a fun thing, too. In Riverside, CA, I am sure it was not the 30 degree weather that we experienced in Malone. I can reassure you that the weather in Malone tomorrow and for the rest of the week will be in the 60's and perhaps a balmy 70. The snow is going for now but obviously we have not seen the last of it this season!
Paul, John and I (along with Claire and her roommate Meagan and friend Sarah travelled to Niagara Falls as Kathleen, Veronica and Magdalene travelled to Lake Placid and Tupper Lake and as Joan and Bernie travelled to Littlestown, PA. One of the things I love about travelling with the boys is along the trip we take the time to get to know each other and talk and talk and talk. I must admit it must be my engaging way of talking to Paul and John that engenders such interest at my every word. Here, Paul is enraptured my my discourse on how tough it was growing up in the North End in Niagara Falls while his mother's family basked in a privileged life while living in DeVeaux, home of the rich and famous. (By the way, I get a similar reaction when I talk to any Sauvageau about the tough life I had living in the 'Hood in Niagara Falls.
Natalie partied it up all weekend with trick or treating and a sleepover at a birthday party. It was reported to me that she and her middle school friends stayed up until 3:00 a.m. In other words, Natalie stayed up later than Claire, Meghan and Sarah, who went to Canada to party it up the same night.
Actually, Kathleen took the girls apple picking in Canada and got the cafe a lot of home made apple pies from the place. I had to stay behind the fence so that I would not eat all the pies that they bought.
Congratulations to Christopher on his State standings in running.
An apology is in order to Colyn. I misspelled his name when I made a comment on his excellent blog. One of my donkey moments...
No worries Uncle Joe, it happens all the time. I blame myself really, I mean, I don't come see you all nearly enough. I hope to change that soon.