Monday, December 28, 2009

The challenger accepts his own challenge~~~

Picture 1- Sylva's lamp; scapular at the top...
#2- Catherine Smith's rocking chair...
#3- Drafting table... a mess, yes~~~
#4- Footstool that used to be located in front of the fireplace...
Eleven Things:
1. Reinvent your interests
2. Be all that you wish to be
3. Surround yourself with..........
4. Don't forget to enjoy yourself
5. Rejuvenate often
6. Stay in motion
7. Encourage others
8. Show by example
9. Create something, anything
10. Be patient, but don't procrastinate
11. Don't forget to dream~~~~
May peacefulness find you daily!!!


  1. Uncle Tommy, I LOVED you're room when i visited this summer. same w/ Aunt Cindy. too bad Aunt Marcy doesn't agree w/ us. :)cuz andi

  2. so did ana sorry a. marcy...i hope yo not mad

  3. ...yes, I too LOVED that room, I was in it the last time I was visiting! Such a privilege...I felt at home. Evolving creativity... processing, perpetual chaos leading to beauty. Aunt Ivan

  4. finally... someone understands the beauty of nature:) (most sauvageaus do) -cuz andi

  5. I am lost on this one! Have no idea why the pictures are sideways nor where they are from! I suspect it has something to do with you Tom, but ....I donno
    Happy New year to All!
