Thursday, July 31, 2008

"Why waste money on psychotherapy when you can listen to the B Minor Mass?" ~Michael Torke

Mr. Torke was referring to Bach's Mass in B Minor. It is perhaps one of the most beautiful pieces in the repertoire of what we commonly refer to as "classical music". Like what we have done to good literature, pop culture has all but abandoned listening to concert and classical music in favor of tuning in to see what Flavor Flav is up to on VH1. Yes, this posting is a rant... Fairly recently, I was on the phone with my brother Dan, a school teacher in Manhattan. While we were on the phone he was appalled, (not too strong a word), to find out that I had no idea who Flavor Flav was. Those of you who have spent any time at our house fully realize that I rarely watch television, that Kathleen rarely watches television and that our children's viewing is strictly limited as to time. My brother admonished me for not being up on "pop-culture". My "ignorance about culture" would interfere with my ability to know a bit more about my children. After this alarming phone conversation, (alarming not because I did not know who Flavor Flav was, but because my brother Dan actually dressed up like Flavor Flav for his students on Halloween), I asked all of my children from Maureen right down through Magdalene just who Flavor Flav was. I can happily report to you that they did not know who Flavor Flav was.
I believe that Mr. Flav has a television show thta is not only one of the most misogynist television shows that our sons and daughters have been assaulted with, but by far one of the most inane. In the show, "Flavor of Love", each contestant is given a nickname by Flav and is referred to by that nickname for as long as she remains in the competition. Flavor of Love features a clock ceremony where contestants who are not eliminated receive gold clocks to wear around their necks with their picture behind the hands of the clock. When a contestant is eliminated, her real name is then revealed, followed by a champagne toast.
There are a few basic elements of the show's format that have been consistent through each season of production. Throughout the season the contestants compete for intimate dates with Flav, (what a treat that must be!), by competing in various challenges. Another typical component of the show is the involvement of the women's ex-boyfriends. This usually occurs when there are 6 or less contestants left. Also, Flav brings the few remaining women's parents, (who must be part of the Brittany Spears/Lindsey Lohan Parent Support Group), on in the third or second to last episode. After all, what parent would not love to have their child go on an intimate date with Mr. Flav. Finally, the season finale takes place in a tropical destination. The two finalists and Flav spend the last two days at a luxurious resort proceeding his final decision.
The week following the finale an all-cast reunion is typically aired. A host spends this time reviewing the most memorable moments and interviewing the contestants after they have seen the season. This is also when you find out if Flav is still with the woman he chose and what they have been up to since the season wrapped.
VH1 has also introduced an Internet component into the show. Viewers can create profiles, interact with contestants and other fans, and stay current with news at In season 3, fans even got to vote online to elect five of the contestants. Ironically, Flav sent 4/5 of them home in the premiere episode.
Sadly, Flavor Flav is one raindrop in a storm misogyny. Moreover, all of us, (yours truly is guilty as charged as well), happily or at least ignorantly let our children watch media that is base, foolish and without any redeeming intellectual quality. And then, quite often, we are angry and upset at those same children when they make bad choices or, at least, questionable choices.
I don't know if you have had a conversation with a young person who are not your children lately. Most of the time they don't talk. They play games on their hand held. Mostly they don't write, but might punch out a few words on AIM, (and then with syntax and grammar so breathtakingly bad). If they talk they talk about movies, movies, movies, t.v., t.v., t.v.
Rarely, are children called upon to be interesting and inspiring. Often they are called upon to get a job.
Last night, in Montreal, I went to the OSM, Orchestra Symphonique de Montreal. Playing that evening was Andrew Wan.

Mr. Wan is a violinist. He has toured world wide, is an orchestral leader, concertmaster of the Julliard Orchestra and has recorded with several orchestras. He received his Bachelor of Music and Master of Music Degrees from the Julliard School of Music in NYC. He also teaches at the Julliard School He plays a 1743 Guarneri del Jesu violin. He is a master in what he does and has such a confident intelligence about music performance that it shows with his demeanor and articulation on his instrument. The fact that he and other famous violinist, (pianist, oboists, etc.) are not known is one of the many scandals of our time.
Last night in Montreal he gave a great performance of Mozart's 5th Concerto for Violin. It was done so well that even the orchestra applauded him. He is not well known because he treats his mothers and sisters decently, he has not spread details of his private life and sexuality all over television and the internet and he unashamedly has faith in God. He is far from being a person that our youth today would look to for inspiration. On the other hand, Brittany, Linsday, Pamela, Christine, well... you get the idea, are icons and "inspiration" for those who enthuse about the "tragic" circumstances these empty-headed, but fully bankrolled nuts subject us to.
I'm ranting because I deal with kids a lot each day. Most of the girls I deal with are in trouble, pregnant too early, beaten up by their boyfriend/husband/or whoever. All of them are poor. It is a part of my practice that I do not like talking about too much because it is upsetting and frustrates me. It is also why I have been very demanding with my daughters -- some of you think too strict -- but I am exceedingly proud of them for the effort and demands they place on themselves and the high expectations they have of others. Most of the boys I deal with care neither for the girl they are living with and getting free and easy sexual benefits from, and are, like the girls they have assisted in condemning to poverty, ignorant. Due to their parents, an uncaring society, and a willingness on all our parts to look the other way their disaffected kids are having other children who are more than likely headed for a lifetime of poverty and frustration.
If you don't think that our pop culture has made things worse then, simply put, you are wrong.

1 comment:

  1. Having a bad day are ya?
    Pack the kids and head over here for some rest and relaxation. it sounds like you need it my friend! It also sounds like you are trying to make a point about your wonderful children. You have been blessed my friend and in spite of what you think your faults and imperfections sir, they are truly great children. And Oh by the way, you are too!
    Love you Joe! Come anytime the door is open.
    Keep up the good work, but take a vacation!
