Wednesday, February 20, 2008


My reason for this blog entry is two fold. First, I the creator of this little experiment, have been quite absent from it since it began and that ain't right. And second, because I will be visiting many of you this weekend and am not looking forward to having to come up with weak excuses as to why I haven't written anything. So, without further procrastination- a trait I only wish I could blame on genetics- here are my memories of my great grandmothers.

I suppose that I should preface my story here with the warning that my memories of both these women are from the point of view of a young child and consist, mainly of little snapshots of scenes or smells or sounds without much other thoughts or analysis.

She took my to Bingo!!
I remember going with Denise and Nana to Bingo. I think we started the day out by spending a bunch of money in the gift shop of a church- I got a huge metal cross that I later learned was magnetic and was able to have a bunch of fun messing with it and the bingo magnets we had later on. Anyway this cross was sweet, I mean 50 cent would be jealous, it was big! Its size was accented by my rather skinny frame at the time. Sorry about the tangent there, but I remember being very excited about my bling. So later on that day we went to bingo, I can't remember where, I'm sure someone knows. Long story short I had a great time and won, get ready, 15 bucks!!! CHA-CHING!!

My other memories of her are mostly of her in her house where I remember her being very tall, and it usually being dark in there, and that she had a kitchen witch. How come we don't have a kitchen witch anymore, mom? I'll have to find one for my apartment... I also remember that I never went upstairs in her house, but I do remember the basement, full of dark isles and lots of tools. There were a few, well maybe just one, broken down car in the drive way, I want to say that it was a beetle, but who knows.

Of the woman herself my memories are even more vague, and are probably by now a composite image of the many discriptions I've heard from my relatives. So here it goes...

She always seemed tall to me, I am guessing it was more the fault of my being shorter than her at the time, and her having very good posture. She had a very soft voice, rather soothing, and always calm. I cannot ever remember her limping or shuffling when she walked. Instead I recall a rather regal gait, very smooth and graceful.

Ok, that's all I have time for right now, got to go to work... For those of you who I'll see this weekend, see you soon, for all the rest, I miss you all and come visit me in Chicago!!!

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